the sister story.

i’m stef.  i’m beck. & i’m sam.

adulthood: the age three sisters hit when they discover that they are not only sisters, but bffs.

and oh how fun it has been. growing up they loved barbies, tea parties, littlest pet shops, playing school (beck NEVER let stef  or sam be the teacher), and pretending to be the little mermaid in the pool. actually all of that was true for beck and stef, sam however loved soccer, soccer and soccer while beck and stef were secretly-not-so-secretly jealous of sams athletic ability. but it was not without our fair share of fights and “bickering” as mom called it that we would become friends. stef thought becks hair was frizzy and beck thought stef was bratty. while sam was the youngest of 4 and spoiled and secretly-not-so-secretly the cutest out of the three. insert jealous comments of three sisters while growing up here. but then one day. they grew up. and they grew into friends. beck is the oldest by three years but stef is the tallest. and sam is the youngest and cutest. beck got all the irish genes and stef got all the portuguese. while sam got all of dads goofy ways. sorry sam. beck discovered hair gel and stef soon became jealous of beck’s auburn locks. and sam quit soccer and had time for beck and stef. we still remember our secret language and dream of having a shabby chic porcelain conopy bed again. beck is a mommy to an oodles of cuteness baby boy and stef and sam are the proud aunts. one day stef got married and moved to alabama. then sam left home and moved to jacksonville for college. they quickly realized that this whole distance thing and beck’s lack of a 21 century picture phone made living miles apart too difficult. so bloggin buddies they would become. while stef was transforming her country cottage into a haven of diy projects (which by the way, beck, stef and sam can agree on two things: Jesus and diy’s) beck was living all the joys of mommy hood, complete with cloth diapers, a son with severe food allergies and digestive issues and sam was livin’ the college dream. they started this blog to keep in touch and share their adventures with each other. so here is goes. oh and did we mention we have the most amazing husbands in the world. s and j. you make us melt like popsicle’s on the forth of july. oops. sorry sam.

so here’s our stories of diys, dreams, jobs, heart-to-hearts, husbands, struggles, burdens, hope, laughter, travels, joys, & above all, love.


beckandkDSCN0533sam in africa 2013


2 thoughts on “the sister story.

  1. I might have a tear or two rolling down my cheeks. I just kinda love both of you. And I have read every single post and am so ah-mazed and thankful for how you love the Lord and your hubbies. Cant wait to keep following this one!!!

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